Thursday, April 12, 2012

In Search of a Camper Trailer...

After looking at several camper trailer projects for less than $1000, I decided to go on a road trip... ready to scour the province from morning thru night for a camper trailer that appealed to me.  Searching online, I had already missed out on three locally, so I needed to be aggressive!

After a couple hours drive, I found this 1969 Skylark camper trailer.  Dirty on the surface, some structural wear (though the owner said it didn't leak), but a pretty clean interior with fridge, stove, furnace and toilet.  Oh, a custom "feature"... four ice fishing holes cut into the floor!  I could see that there was previous water damage on the ceiling panels and the door.  There was no propane in the tanks, and it wasn't plugged in to AC current, stored in a dark quanset, so I had to take his word that all the appliances worked.  Honestly, I couldn't tell how bad it was, but it did look pretty good.

So after a bit of negotiation, I was the proud new owner for less than $700.  Let the adventure begin!

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