Sunday, April 22, 2012

Is This Thing On?

So I figured on taking stock of all the appliances, electrical and plumbing... decided I had better figure out what worked and what didn't.

  1. Running 12V electrical... very old, dim, poorly grounded, but worked enough to get me home.  Should replace wiring to the running gear and update the flat-4 plug.
  2. Cabin 12V electrical... there is none!  Well, there is one light fixture that may be wired into the running light circuit.  This means too that IF the fridge is a 3-way fridge, it's not wired for DC.
  3. 110V AC electrical... it has a 30 amp socket, but the RV cord is wired to a household 15 amp plug, not original.  Would like to replace it.  Socket is in rusty condition, but works.  Circuit panel up above the fridge, four AC ceiling lights and one receptacle over the dinette (two if you count the refridgerator plug).  Upgrade plans include installing a converter, DC lighting and GFCI AC receptacles.  I had already bought a 12V Deep Cycle Marine battery, expecting the camper to need a replacement, but it needs to be wired in.
  4. For propane, I was able to figure out the fridge and stove top.  But furnace and oven pilots were a mystery.  Gas lamp needed a mantle as well (that's what those things are called?) I feared I would need to replace appliances.  As well, the copper lines under the camper were quite badly kinked and twisted... I have no idea who did that, but I will guess that a previous owner bought a length of flared copper tubing and twisted it around rather than cutting it to the proper length.  But if it works...
  5. Plumbing... fresh water tank was disconnected, and camper has no grey tank.  Black tank is above-floor type, and I hit my head on the 110V light in there (I'm so getting rid of that!),  So I planned to replumb the water supply, and dream of under-floor grey and black water tanks!  Oh, might as well add a hot and cold shower to the wish list while I'm at it!

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